
Let’s talk about Aluminum Ceiling Tiles

Aluminum ceiling tiles are a type of suspended ceiling system that is made from aluminum or aluminum alloy. These tiles are commonly used in commercial and residential buildings for their durability, lightweight nature, and aesthetic appeal. Here we bring you some key aspects of aluminum ceiling tiles:

  • Material and Construction: Aluminum ceiling tiles are primarily made from aluminum or aluminum alloys, providing a lightweight yet sturdy construction. The tiles can come in various finishes, including plain, brushed, or embossed surfaces, allowing for different aesthetic options.
  • Durability: Aluminum is corrosion-resistant, making it a durable material for ceiling tiles. This quality is particularly beneficial in environments where exposure to moisture or humidity is a concern.
  • Design Options: Aluminum ceiling tiles come in a variety of designs, patterns, and finishes, offering versatility in terms of aesthetics. Some tiles may mimic the look of other materials, such as wood or metallic finishes.
  • Ease of Installation: These tiles are often designed for easy installation in a suspended grid system. The lightweight nature of aluminum makes the installation process more manageable.
  • Fire Resistance: Aluminum is inherently fire-resistant, which can contribute to the overall fire safety of a building. In the event of a fire, aluminum does not burn, and it can help contain the spread of flames.
  • Reflectivity: Aluminum’s reflective properties can enhance the distribution of light in a space. This can be advantageous for improving overall lighting efficiency.
  • Maintenance: Aluminum ceiling tiles are relatively low maintenance. They are easy to clean and can withstand exposure to various cleaning agents.
  • Environmental Considerations: Aluminum is a recyclable material, and some ceiling tiles are manufactured using recycled aluminum. This can be an environmentally friendly choice for those concerned about sustainability.
  • Applications: Aluminum ceiling tiles are commonly used in commercial spaces such as offices, airports, retail stores, and restaurants. They are also found in residential settings, particularly in areas where a modern and sleek appearance is desired.
  • Cost: The cost of aluminum ceiling tiles can vary depending on factors such as design complexity, finish, and brand. While they may be more expensive than some other ceiling materials, the durability and aesthetic benefits may justify the investment for certain applications.

It’s important to note that while aluminum ceiling tiles offer various advantages, they may not be suitable for every project. Factors such as budget, design preferences, and specific performance requirements should be considered when choosing ceiling materials for a particular space.

Our line of BENNER Aluminum Ceilings is manufactured with superior quality aluminum plates that go through a process of perforating, forming, cleaning, washing and surface conservation treatment; that ranks you a notch higher than the competition.

Our flexible and environmentally efficient system allows us to meet sustainable construction requirements while transforming your ceiling with a modern finish. Our company is a member of the “Green Building Council” and our products allow you to add LEEDS credits for waste management, renewable materials, and school requirements. In addition, they have the Class A classification that the ASTM E84 standard indicates as a requirement within the approved superficial combustion characteristics of construction products.

Made from premium-quality aluminum plates, Benner Aluminum Ceiling Tiles offer:

  1. Rust-resistance. Thanks to aluminum’s natural resistance to rust, your ceiling tiles will stay in perfect condition, even in high-humidity areas.
  2. Water-resistance. Benner Aluminum Ceiling Tiles are impervious to water, making them a superb choice for all environments.
  3. Sagging-resistance. The inherent strength of aluminum guarantees that your ceiling tiles won’t sag, retaining their original appearance and structural strength.
  4. Mold and mildew-resistance. Aluminum’s natural resistance to mold and mildew ensures a healthier and cleaner environment.

Easy cleaning, our tiles are washable and easy to scrub, making maintenance straightforward, keeping your tiles looking new with minimal effort.

In BennerUSA Aluminum Ceilings, we accomplished them in an impeccable way:

Our perforated aluminum ceilings have an exceptional acoustical Sound Reduction Coefficient (NCR) ranging from 0.75 to 0.95; thanks to its SoundTex system, which is an innovative acoustic insulation that can be used instead of traditional acoustic materials. This system is ideal for our aluminum ceilings and works by extending the range of sound absorption.